
Plant Life

Plants Life

Beautiful plant
stands that encourage you
to get creative.

Driven by a committment to encourage creativity with greenery, we design functional plant stands and botanical wares that amplify plant wares within a space.

Why do you need plants?

1. Improving air quality

Plants clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Some species also filter harmful toxins and dust.

2. Creating cosiness and decor

Plants add naturalness and liveliness to interiors, beautifying the space, making it more cosy and inviting.

3. Psychological wellbeing

Studies show that the presence of plants improves mood, reduces stress levels and promotes relaxation.

4. Moisturising the air

Some plants release moisture, which helps to maintain healthy indoor humidity levels, especially in dry climates.

5. Increase concentration and productivity

Plants improve cognitive function, helping people to focus better and be more productive, which is especially helpful in the home office.

6. Responsibility and Care

Caring for plants develops a sense of responsibility, care and helps create the habit of taking care of the environment.

7. Improved sleep

Some plants, such as lavender and jasmine, promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.

8. Eco-friendly

Buying plants helps to maintain an ecological balance and promotes an awareness of the importance of nature.


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